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My name is Manli. I was Junchu's lover. We were engaged to be marriade,

but a year ago, I died suddenly in a car accident.

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What do you actually do all day long? Don't you say you were't filming

anymore? Where do you disappear off to all day?  Sansan says she

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This house is too big. There are still a lot of places I've never been to.

Could you show me around? Is something wrong? What do you

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Oh, I blinked in this one. The others are very good, you are very photogenic. Someday

when I become old and ugly, will you still love me? Junchu... Will you marry me?  Fine,

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Dear listeners, let us continue with yesterday's story. Junchu, with no means, broke Manli's

heart and he deeply regrets it. After a few days of torment, he finally decides to write her a

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